Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church

First Time Visiting?

We would love to meet you and have you join us at one of our weekly worship services or at our Sunday morning Bible study. As a first time visitor you can learn more about our congregation on our visitors page.


Sunday and special worship services are live streamed via Facebook and can be viewed without an account on our Worship page. You can check there for service information and times, to download the order of service with hymns, and to view recent worship services in case you missed the live stream.

Special Lenten Worship Services

During the Lenten Season, a light meal will be served from 5:15 to 6:15 with Wednesday evening worship to follow at 6:30 pm.

Member Registration

We ask all members of Grace to register an acount with us, so that we might have an efficient way to keep you updated on the many changes that are happening. This will add you to an infrequent mailing list, currently only once per week, with information for the week ahead.


Remote attendees can provide weekly offerings by putting the offering envelope in another envelope and mailing it to the church:

Grace Lutheran Church
800 E Silver Lake Drive
Rochester, MN 55906

We ask that you not send cash. If you are interested in signing up for recurring online donations, please contact our web maintainer and let us know.