In Person Attendance Requirements

Members of Grace must follow the following rules as published by the state of Minnesota. As Christians we have been told to love our neighbors as ourselves so we need everyone’s adherence to ensure that Grace is not spreading COVID-19 among our membership. We love each one of our members and the best ways to show that love is to provide as much protection as possible.

  1. If you are feeling ill in any way you must remain at home instead of worshiping in person. Symptoms that could be associated with COVID-19 include
    • Fever or chills
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle or body ache
    • Headache
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Sore throat
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Diarrhea
  2. If you have been in contact recently with anyone that has been confirmed or has shown any of the listed symptoms of COVID-19, you must remain at home.
  3. We do ask that parishioners maintain appropriate social distance between masked and un-masked individuals. For example, its fine for fully vaccinated members to sit in consecutive pews for worship but please leave an empty space between masked/un-masked parishioners.
  4. Many of our members have enjoyed the live-stream or recorded services from their homes. We will be continuing these offerings to ensure that any member of Grace that may be at higher risk or caring for others at high risk maintains a connection to the word of God.


The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has pandemic information here.

Our state does a good job of providing current information on the state response to the pandemic here.